Tourist Information

Includes the regions of Castile-Léon, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura.

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Central Spain is an area filled with historic towns, medieval monuments and ancient castles. Towns in this area include:

Avila: A Christian stronghold in the Middle Ages, Avila is a well-preserved walled city. Sights include the pink-coloured cathedral, and the Casa de los Deanes museum.

Léon: Less well known with tourists, this is a pleasant, boulevard-lined city. Places of interest include the gothic cathedral, with its stunning stained glass and Gaudí's Casa de Botines. Nightlife centres around the Plaza Mayor, a short distance from the cathedral.

Salamanca: A busy, delightful university city, whose life centres around the popular ''Plaza Mayr''. Sights include the Catedral Nueva, Catedral Vieja and the Ayuntamiento (the town hall).

Segovia: A world heritage site, Segovia is a charming and enchanting city. Its most stunning attraction is the impeccably preserved 800 metre long Roman aqueduct, with 165 arches. The city also boasts a gothic cathedral and a fairy-tale castle, the ''Alcáza''.

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