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Spanish Language Courses Home spanischkurse * cours de espagnol * cursos de español

Course Type: Accommodation:

There is no better way of learning a language than to learn it in the country where it is spoken. These pages are designed to help you do that, by providing information on schools and the language exams available.

The Spanish language courses listed in this directory are placed into a geographic region:

Each of these regions includes a short introduction to the area and its sights (under the link called 'tourist info'), in order to give you a flavour of some of the attractions on offer.

Once you have found an area in which you are interested, you should write to several schools in order to compare prices, facilities available, class sizes, exams offered etc. (When writing to universities, we advise you to include an international reply coupon.)

A sample letter in Spanish is provided below for your convenience. (Use your 'copy & paste' command.)

(Please note that we do not recommend any particular schools or organisations, and that we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies contained in these pages.)

Sample Letter:

Estimado Señor,

He visto el nombre de su colegio en 'Europa Pages Spanish Directory', ( y quisiera recibir más detalles sobre sus cursos de español para extranjeros.

Me gustarìa empezar mi curso el _______(put date you would like course to start) y estudiar durante________ semanas. (write number of weeks you would like to study).

Dándole gracias anticipadas, atentamente le saluda.

Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Postal Address, so that the school can send you a brochure if needed

How to Phone/Fax Spain from Abroad

Dial the international code for Spain (+34) and the full number shown.
eg: 91 234 5678 becomes +34 91 234 5678

Work as an Au Pair in Spain

Spanish Language Schools in Spain Home Page


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